View SSL/TLS Certificate Info with OpenSSL Command

You can simply check the SSL/TLS certificate information which is listening at non-http port (like STMP) by using the OpenSSL tool. All you need to know is to the port that uses encrypted connection. For example, I view the certificate info at CentOS website & TLS certificate used for smtp connection. With WSL, OpenSSL already installed and you’re ready to go.

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Creating Active Directory Users in the Nested OUs

It is the powershell script that will automatically create AD users. What makes it unique is that all the necessary OUs (even nested OUs) are created in advance before users creation. So, you won’t need a separate script for both tasks. Here, I give the screenshot of my testing domain, with example users defined in my csv file.

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How to find Active Directory Users Properties: Memership, OU and Creation Date etc.

It’s a one-liner command that I use to find the most common AD attributes including the Creation date, Member Of and OU location. I attached the screenshot as example.

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