You might see this WSUS console error after running WSUS services for some time. See Fig-1.

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A Passionated System Admin's Blog
Powershell, Windows Servers, VMware and Scriptings
You might see this WSUS console error after running WSUS services for some time. See Fig-1.
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Being away from my blogging a while, for the scripting of the migration of 400 ftp users to new server, Today, I finalized a script that will list folders/file sizes recursively that I started writing a few days ago. We can also use TreeSize Free to graphically list folder sizes. Here in powershell, I’m going to show you the use of recursive functions to list folders sizes as being added from child directories sizes. Combined with Powershell remoting, you can use this script to remotely query users’ profile sizes on remote computers. Continue reading “Powershell Recursive Functions: How to List Folder/File Sizes to multiple levels”