How to Install and Manage DNS on Windows Nano Server

In this post, we will install DNS service on Nano Server and manage via the DNS Manager Console from other computer. If you want to create Nano Server Image GUI wizard, you can check out here. In our post we are going to create Nano Sever Image by the Nano Server Generator powershell script that comes with installation ISO.

There will be two Scenarios in our testing and you can just use either depending on your environment. Continue reading “How to Install and Manage DNS on Windows Nano Server”

PowerCLI Script to List VM Snapshots with Last VM Reboot Time

Again, It’s time to script, making life easier with the system admin’s boring tasks. Most of us have testing environment in which we have to play with snapshots (so called checkpoints in Hyper-V).
This script will list the VMs snapshots with the last VM power-on time. This is particularly useful in cases where you want to keep the snapshot until the VM is rebooted and proved to be fully functional after any configuration changes. Continue reading “PowerCLI Script to List VM Snapshots with Last VM Reboot Time”